
Simone Chair BY FAMA

Simone Relax BY FAMA Simone armchair has a more daring design and Nina armchair has a more conventional style, but both share a high back that offers an exceptionally comfortable upright sitting. Nina and Simone do not leave anyone indifferent, you will hate them or fall in love. Special attention should be paid to the armchair and You&Me versions; they are really dangerous designs, if you are not alert they can trap you like you would never have imagined…

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Simone Relax By FAMA


Nina and Simone Relax are destined to become two new classics in the Fama catalogue. Certainly, the models are inspired by the sofas of the 70s with diamond-shaped buttoned backs.

Simone armchair has a more daring design, while Nina armchair has a more conventional style. Both though, share a high back that offers an exceptionally comfortable upright sitting. Indeed, Nina and Simone do not leave anyone indifferent, you will dislike them or fall in love.

Special attention should be paid to the armchair and You&Me versions. They are really dangerous designs. If you are not alert, they can trap you like you would never have imagined.


Cleaning advice

In the FAQs section on our website you can find informative videos, made to answer some of the most common queries related to your sofa.

– If the fabric allows it, and you can dry cleaning onsite, that is always the best choice. You can also use a steamer, protecting it with a cotton cloth.

– For everyday care, you can use a damp cloth to remove dust and prevent accumulation.

– Let it dry and repeat several times until the stain disappears completely.

– It is very important to follow the cleaning instructions from the manufacturer of the fabric.

– You can also check them in the Fabric Collections section of our website.